The Project

FiberEUse objectives are to develop and demonstrate at a large scale via:

1-  The  integration  of  innovative  remanufacturing  technologies  addressed  to  develop  profitable  reuse  options  for mechanically  or  thermally  recycled  EoL  GFRP  and  CFRP  composites,  enabling  ease  of  operation,  significant  cost reduction, compliance with EU Directives with minimization of environmental impacts. New value chains will be created leading to the realization of several demo-cases covering different manufacturing sectors. They will be subjected to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA, ISO 14044/44) and to the EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program.

2-  The development of an innovation strategy for mobilization and networking of stakeholders from all the sectors related to composites, from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to tier 1 suppliers, logistical operators, technology providers and  exploiters,  designers,  and  end-user  associations,  providing  a  platform  for  communication  and  dissemination  of results.  This  will  help  to  overcome  cross-cutting  barriers  to  innovation  by  i)  developing  a  common  roadmap  for  the alignment of regional legislations, regulation and pricing methodologies and ii) demonstrating the economic benefits and profitability of the proposed remanufacturing options. This also will promote a paradigm shift in perception from simple “recycling” to “valorisation through reuse and remanufacturing”.

The project involves many different stakeholders from Europe, that in 2017 have decided to work together for this ambitious project.